— presented by Ceecee Paizs and John Greer

October 16-19, 2024
8:30 am to 5 pm

This 40 Hour Training meets the Title 17 requirements and includes a comprehensive introduction to mediation practice, including theory, practice, skills development, ethics and practice development considerations, as well as outside reading and homework to provide more in-depth learning. You will receive an intensive, interactive, skills-based program that uses role-play simulation exercises in which every student participates as an observer, in role play and/or as a mediator during the course of the program. Simulations will deal with conflicts in civil and family law.

Cost:   $1,200 if register and pay prior to Oct 1, 2024
            $1,300 if register and pay after Oct 1, 2024

To register:

Step 1: download and fill out the registration form, print and mail to:

The Mediation Center
79 Franklin Street
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

or email to:  ceecee@paizslaw.com

Step 2: Go to the following link to pay the registration fee:


If you prefer to pay by check, please make the check payable to “The Mediation Center” — mail along with your registration form

Cancellation Policy:  Full refund if cancellation is received prior to Oct 15, 2024;  Cancellations after Oct 15, 2024 will receive a full refund only if another participant fills the space.  We regret that we cannot honor refund requests within 7 days before the training but will provide credit towards future trainings.  We reserve the right to cancel the training due to low enrollment.  You must attend the entire training to receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Email Ceecee at ceecee@paizslaw.com with any questions.

— presented by Ceecee Paizs and The Mediation Center

November 7-8, 2024
8:30 am to 5 pm

This 20 Hour Training meets the Title 17 requirements and and 9.205 requirements to be eligible to become a court rostered child access mediator. The training includes review of Maryland law related to child access issues, the emotional aspects of separation and divorce on adults and children, family systems and child development as well as other important aspects of working with families in child access areas. You will receive an intensive, interactive, skills-based program that uses role-play simulation exercises.

Cost:   $550 if register and pay prior to October 28, 2024
            $600 if register and pay after October 28, 2024

To register:

Step 1: download and fill out the registration form, print and mail to:

The Mediation Center
79 Franklin Street
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

Or email to: ceecee@paizslaw.com

Step 2: Go to the following link to pay the registration fee:


If you prefer to pay by check, please make the check payable to “The Mediation Center” — mail along with your registration form

Cancellation Policy:  Full refund if cancellation is received prior to Nov 1, 2024;  Cancellations after Nov 1, 2024 will receive a full refund only if another participant fills the space.  We regret that we cannot honor refund requests within 7 days before the training but will provide credit towards future trainings.  We reserve the right to cancel the training due to low enrollment.  You must attend the entire training to receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Email Ceecee at ceecee@paizslaw.com with any questions.

— presented by Ceecee Paizs and The Mediation Center

November 20, 2024
9:00 am to 1:30 pm

This training is intended to provide the four hours of continuing mediation training for mediators on court rosters. Two hours of ethics will be provided as part of the four hour training.

Cost:   $300 if register and pay prior to November 6, 2024
           $350 if register and pay after November 6, 2024

To register:

Step 1: Open registration form

Fill out and return by email to ceecee@paizslaw.com or mail to:

The Mediation Center
79 Franklin Street
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

Step 2: To pay, go to the following link to make the payment:


If you prefer to pay by check, please make the check payable to “The Mediation Center” — mail along with your registration form.


Email Ceecee at ceecee@paizslaw.com with any questions.


Join the MSBA for the latest, all virtual presentation of 20 Hour Divorce Mediation Seminar: Property and Financial Issues on December 3rd – 5th, 2024!

Cecilia Paizs

Trainer Cecilia B. Paizs, Esq., (Ceecee) has been providing mediation services since 2000 and has been providing mediation trainings since 2007. She provides mediation services in all areas of the law, as well as mediation training, representation of children, and parenting coordination services.  The virtual training format includes small group exercises, discussions, simulations, and lectures. The training meets the requirements under Maryland Judicial Rule 9-205(c) for circuit court mediators, and will cover Maryland law regarding property and financial issues related to divorce and child support and other child related issues.  Participants will explore the differences in financial and property issues in family mediation, review of financial statements, property distribution, QDROs and tax considerations. Ceecee will also address ethical questions in the practice of divorce mediation. Seating is limited to 30 registrants so don’t delay!

  Twenty hours (including one hour of ethics) of CLE credit will be offered by the surrounding MCLE states.  

Mandatory attendance policy

The MSBA appreciates the time and financial commitment required of every registrant. Because of the interdependency of each classmates’ participation in all lecture and role plays for this training to be its best for all participants, 100% attendance is required of each registrant, so please ensure your calendar is clear and that you are available for all three days of this training.  We appreciate your consideration and understanding of this policy.

Refund Policy: Full refunds for a virtual 40 Hour Basic Mediation Training or virtual 20 Hour Divorce Mediation Training will be accepted by 12:00 p.m. 14 days before the first day of training. If a refund is requested after the cut-off day/time, the registrant will be charged a $150 administrative fee.

Accessibility: The Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) is committed to making its online and in-person services, products, and events accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. To request an accommodation, please complete this Form

When12/3/2024 9:00 AM – 12/5/2024 5:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time

RegistrationSign in or create an account to register