Traditionally, family, interpersonal and business legal conflicts have been resolved in one of two ways: through negotiations out of court or by lawsuits in court.
While negotiations can yield positive results, consensus can often be difficult to reach, especially when each party may harbor resentments against the other and each party’s respective attorneys have been trained to treat the other as an adversary.
Litigation — although it may be the stuff of Hollywood movies and TV dramas, and may seem emotionally satisfying at the outset — is in actuality an expensive and time-consuming last resort that few would choose if they had other viable options.
There Are Better Ways to Resolve a Conflict | Baltimore Alternative Dispute Resolution Attorney
The Mediation Center focuses on alternative ways to resolve family and business disputes for clients in the Baltimore area. Our lead attorney, Cecilia B. Paizs, is an experienced Maryland mediator and trained collaborative law attorney who has more than a decade of experience resolving family, civil and commercial disputes through mediation and collaborative techniques.
Our law office can assist you in matters, including:
- Divorce mediation
- Property division/support mediation
- Custody mediation
- Commercial mediation
- Civil mediation
- Co-mediation (with a trained mental health professional)
- Collaborative divorce
- Collaborative custody and support
- Collaborative property division
- Parent Coordination
For more information about our areas of practice, please read our Practice Areas overview page.
Training for Future Mediators | Columbia Mediation Lawyer
Our law firm provides training for anyone who is interested in becoming court-qualified Maryland mediators. See our Mediation Training for New Mediators page for more information about our training services, as well as our schedule of upcoming training classes.
Contact The Mediation Center Today | Baltimore Family Law Attorney
For more information about our alternative dispute resolution lawyer, contact us online in Columbia, Maryland, or by calling 410-750-6710.
Please note that due to the COVID-19 restrictions, The Mediation Center is providing services virtually until such time as the mask mandates for indoor meetings are lifted.